Friday, December 18, 2009

Om namah shivaya gurave: the guru principle

What a great class Laura led this morning at Yoga of Sausalito! Perfectly timed with where we're headed this weekend -- into the winter solstice, the longest night of the year -- Laura illuminated the theme of the guru we all have inside, that leads us from darkness into light. Our practice is about turning inward and tuning in to what that guru, that innate goodness that is the ultimate teacher, has to say. What a great time to listen in and hear what's being whispered for 2010...

Om namah shivaya gurave, friends!

1 comment:

Jami G said...

OHHH, this is so yummy and perfect for solstice. And, perfect timing as things have been lately for me. Turning inward, listening, practicing silence (Maunam) is perfect to harness the incredible shakti I've been experiencing. Reading, Meditation, Contemplation. Breathing. Om Namah Shivaya Gurave. I bow to the teacher within. I bow to all my teachers.
With Love, Jami